The MSc stratégie marketing et développement commercial prepares you for careers in marketing and sales for the consumer (BtoC) and business (BtoB) markets in consumer goods, capital goods, services or projects. Sales development is the result of marketing decisions and adaptations to the product range, taking into account both customer expectations and internal requirements.
Admission Bac+3 pour un parcours en 2 ans (M1 et M2)
Semestre 1 :
Semestre 2 :
Admission Bac+4 / Bac+5 pour un parcours en 1 an (M2 entrée directe)
Semestre 1 :
Semestre 2 :
Admission Bac+3 pour un parcours en 2 ans (M1 et M2)
Semestre 1 :
Semestre 2 :
Admission Bac+4 / Bac+5 pour un parcours en 1 an (M2 entrée directe)
Semestre 1 :
Semestre 2 :
In addition to the DESSMI, you'll be preparing a double Master of Science degree
by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles.
This course includes at least 50% of classes in English.
Find out more about the CGE Master of Science program
Available as a sandwich course in Paris and Nancy and as a traditional course in Paris, this programme will enable you to become more professional and acquire business expertise in marketing and sales development. It's also an excellent way of developing the hard and soft skills that employers are looking for, so it's a real asset to your employability!
Apprenticeships also mean that your tuition fees are waived in full, and you receive a monthly income for the duration of the contract based on a scale based on the gross monthly minimum wage (SMIC) or the industry minimum wage (if it exists and is more favourable).
Finally, at ICN, nearly 150 partner companies are ready to meet you at our career forums, which will open the doors to work-linked training with major companies.
Specific roles:
100% of our graduates find a job within 6 months thanks to our partner companies!
Auchan // Crédit Mutuel // Enedis // Engie // Suez // Cora // Altran // La Poste // Leroy Merlin // Heineken
I began my career at Chanel 10 years ago and am currently Head of Transformation for Fashion Retail Europe. My team is responsible for managing projects aimed at improving the operational efficiency of our distribution network of fashion boutiques in Europe.
I have to work with many different teams and professions, and I particularly appreciated the emphasis on teamwork and multidisciplinary group projects at ICN, which enabled me to broaden my thinking and think about projects in 360-degree mode.
The wide choice of specialities also gave me an insight into different areas such as marketing, supply chain and distribution, knowledge that is very useful to me today.
Interested in the MSc Stratégie marketing et développement commercial?
Don't hesitate to apply!
Course registered with the CGE under the name: Management by Innovation
Course registered with the RNCP under number RNCP 37475 until 31/08/2026