

Erasmus + Programme

The Erasmus + programme allows students, staff and teachers to study, undergo training or do an internship abroad.

The experience allows students to improve their language skills and develop transferable skills in order to boost their career prospects on national, European and global job markets. In addition, the programme makes studying abroad more accessible as students are awarded a grant and have their tuition fees covered.

The Erasmus + higher education programme contributes to the creation of a European Higher Education Space by pursuing several goals including:

  • Improving the quality and strengthening the European dimension of higher education.
  • Increasing the mobility of students, teachers, and university staff.
  • Strengthening international cooperation
  • Supporting EU transparency and recognition tools for qualifications
  • Making European higher education institutions more international

This new Erasmus+ 2021/2027 programme was initiated, highlighting new priorities: inclusion, green mobility, and digitalization.


Inclusion stands as one of the core concerns of the new Erasmus+ programme. Its aim is to offer educational and mobility opportunities to a broader and more diverse audience by removing socio-economic barriers and promoting access for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, people with disabilities, and minority groups. Educational institutions and partner organizations are encouraged to design specific projects that address the special needs of these populations, allowing them to fully benefit from the advantages of Erasmus+.
The new program aims to promote equal opportunities and equal access, inclusion, diversity, and equity throughout all its actions. Organizations and participants with fewer opportunities play a central role in the Erasmus+ 2021/2027 program, which provides specific mechanisms and resources for them. When developing their projects and activities, organizations should adopt an inclusive approach to make these projects and activities accessible to various types of participants.
This priority aims to substantially increase the participation of individuals "with the least opportunities," meaning the most vulnerable, those farthest from mobility, and those who need it the most. The Erasmus+ program defines 8 obstacles to characterize these participants:

  • Disabilities
  • Health issues
  • Obstacles related to education and training systems
  • Cultural differences
  • Social barriers
  • Economic barriers
  • Obstacles related to discrimination
  • Geographic barriers

Green mobility

The environment and climate action are priorities of the EU, both today and in the future. The communication concerning the European Green Deal represents the new European growth strategy and acknowledges the crucial role of schools, training institutions, and universities in engaging with students, parents, and the wider community to discuss the necessary changes for a successful transition towards achieving climate neutrality by 2050.
Amid this current climate emergency, green mobility has, then, become a crucial priority of the Erasmus+ programme 2021/2027. The objective is to reduce the carbon footprint associated with participants' travels within Erasmus+ projects. To achieve this, the programme actively encourages the use of more environmentally friendly transportation options, such as trains or carpooling, and promotes the implementation of training and projects related to sustainability and environmental awareness. In doing so, Erasmus+ contributes to building a more environmentally conscious Europe committed to combating climate change.
This priority covers three main axes, both in terms of mobilities and cooperation projects.
Axis 1: Education for Sustainable Development. This is the cornerstone of this priority, in line with the educational objective of Erasmus+. The mobilities will enable participants to acquire knowledge about environmental issues and become genuine agents of change (e.g., by promoting resource conservation, reducing energy consumption, waste, and carbon footprint, opting for sustainable food choices and mobility, etc.).
Axis 2: Eco-responsibility. Eco-responsibility aims to reduce the environmental impact of actions related to Erasmus+ projects:

  • By choosing less emitting means of transportation to limit the carbon footprint, which results in additional financial support and an increase in the grant for the stay.
  • At all project levels, by integrating eco-responsibility principles from project design to implementation, in order to limit the environmental impact of various activities.

Axis 3: Development of new skills/new professions. Mobilities and cooperation actions within the program (partnerships, alliances, etc.) should enable beneficiaries to develop skills related to ecological transition (e.g., by expanding internships in renewable energy fields, agroecology, or businesses with strong Corporate Social Responsibility policies). It also involves designing training modules or courses that align with this evolution (e.g., training in energy-efficient building renovation or eco-responsible tourism careers, etc.).


The COVID-19 pandemic has shed even more light on the importance of digital education for the digital transformation that Europe needs. It has particularly highlighted the increased necessity of harnessing the potential of digital technologies for teaching and learning and of developing digital skills for all. Aligned with the strategic priorities of the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027), this program aims to support this initiative, which seeks to engage learners, educators, socio-educational facilitators, youth, and organizations on the path to digital transformation.
Erasmus Without Paper is a digital initiative integrated into the Erasmus+ programme 2021/2027. Its goal is to streamline and modernize administrative procedures related to the mobility of students, teachers, and staff across participating higher education institutions. Through digitalization, EWP facilitates the management of applications, interinstitutional agreements, academic recognition, and mobility reports, providing a smoother and more efficient experience for all involved stakeholders. This initiative also fosters quicker and more transparent communication between institutions, thereby strengthening cooperation and international exchanges in the field of education.
In conclusion, the new priorities of the Erasmus+ programme 2021/2027 emphasize inclusion, green mobility, and the digitalization. These strategic directions aim to make the Erasmus+ programme even more open, equitable, and environmentally friendly, while simplifying administrative processes through the use of innovative digital tools. These developments underscore the European Union's continued commitment to education, training, and international mobility, with a view to enhancing social cohesion and preparing the younger generations to tackle the challenges of the future.

Erasmus + Charter

ICN Business School holds an Erasmus + Charter for higher education (ECHE).

Support for students with disabilities

Erasmus + also provides support to people with disabilities

Erasmus Strategy

View our Erasmus Policy Statement

Erasmus +

Discover the Erasmus + programme, "Higher Education" sector.

Mobility for students in higher education

As a student at ICN Business school and to obtain your degree, you are required to spend a period of time abroad either on an exchange at a partner university or an internship.

The Erasmus + programme can cover all or part of the costs associated with your exchange in Europe.

Please note: The European Commission only awards a limited number of grants each year. You can talk to the international relations department for questions about exchanges and the careers and internship department for queries related to internships. Grants are awarded based on available funding and are subject to the following conditions:

Period of study

From the second year, you can spend between 3 to 12 months at a higher education institution in an Erasmus programme country that holds a valid Erasmus Charter.


From the first year, you can do an internship of between 2 to 12 months at a company in an Erasmus programme country.

Blended mobility

You can combine an internship with a period of study abroad (the internship will be supervised by the host institution where you're studying).

It is important to note that students enrolled in a state-approved program and going on an academic exchange to a country eligible for the Erasmus grant (see list) are automatically entitled to this mobility aid, with no limit on the number of participants. For information, students in an experimental year are not eligible for this grant, nor are MIEX students, as this is not a state qualification.
As a reminder, the Erasmus grant is available for a maximum period of 12 months per study cycle.

Funding for your Erasmus+ period abroad

Group 1

Erasmus countries with high living costs:
Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, United Kingdom and Sweden.

Study grant: €370 (monthly amount)

Internship grant: €520 (monthly amount)

Group 2

Erasmus countries with average living costs:
Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, and Portugal.

Study grant: €320

Internship grant: €470

Group 3

Erasmus countries with low living costs:
Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Republic of North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Serbia.

Study grant: €270

Internship grant: €420

Study carried out abroad at a partner university is credited towards your ICN degree in the form of ECTS credits (30 ECTS per semester) and will allow you to move on to the next year of your course.

When you do a traineeship, you obtain ECTS credits for the learning outcomes you successfully complete as part of your placement.

Blended intensive programme (BIP)

The Blended Mobility programme, also known as BIP, in the context of Erasmus students, is an initiative aimed at providing students with the opportunity to combine virtual and physical mobility experiences within the European Union's Erasmus+ program. This program aims to enhance students' mobility experience by allowing them to benefit from the advantages of physical mobility (studying or interning abroad) as well as online learning opportunities. Here is a more detailed explanation:
Physical Mobility (In-Person): Erasmus students can still participate in traditional exchanges by physically going to a foreign university or company to study or intern. This aspect of mobility allows students to experience cultural and linguistic immersion in a foreign environment.
Virtual Mobility (Online): In addition to physical mobility, students can also engage in online learning activities. This can include online courses, virtual group projects, webinars, tutorials, and other educational activities accessible via the internet. This virtual component can be carried out from their home or their home university.

Mobility for teachers and university staff

The Erasmus + programme aims to modernise and improve higher education throughout Europe and the rest of the world. There are different types of mobility for ICN Business School staff: mobility for training purposes (teaching and non-teaching staff) and mobility for teaching purposes (teaching staff).

Note that the European Commission only awards a limited number of grants. Please contact the international relations department for more information. Grants are awarded based on available funding and are subject to the following conditions:

The period spent abroad in a programme country must be between 2 days and 2 months, excluding travel time.


Teaching activity is carried out in a higher education institution holding an Erasmus Charter in an Erasmus programme country and must comprise at least 8 hours of teaching time each week. Teaching given by business professionals who are invited to the school is not subject to the 8 hour limit.


Training Activity

Training period/traineeship/observation in a company or higher education institution (including structured courses, language learning)

Blended Mobility

It is possible to combine a period of teaching with a period of training. The minimum teaching time each week is thus reduced to 4 hours.

Please note: conferences are not eligible for staff mobility funding (teaching and training).

Teaching and non-teaching staff

The Erasmus+ grant

The Erasmus + grant is only intended as a contribution towards your living expenses and will not cover all of the costs associated with your time abroad. Institutions that receive the grant are advised to look for other sources of funding (co-funding).

The European grant partially covers:

  • Project management (mobility organisation budget).
  • The mobility of participants, in the form of a monthly (for students) or daily (for staff) payment that varies depending on the host country.
  • Travel costs, depending on the distance travelled in kilometres.
  • Additional costs where required (for persons with a disability).

Special financial arrangements are made for outermost regions (overseas countries and territories).

Funding available for your stay is calculated based on the duration and the country tou are travelling to.

Group 1

Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, United Kingdom and Sweden.

Daily allowance: Day 1-Day 14: €119

Daily allowance: Day 15-Day 60: €83.30

Group 2

Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, and Portugal.

Daily allowance: Day 1-Day 14: €106

Daily allowance: Day 15-Day 60: €74.20

Group 3

Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Republic of North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, and Serbia.

Daily allowance: Day 1-Day 14: €92

Daily allowance: Day 15-Day 60: €64.40

Travel costs are calculated based on the distance travelled in km.

Please note that mobility of less than 100km is not eligible for funding from the European Commission.

The distance calculated is only based on outbound travel but the corresponding financial award covers both outbound and return travel.

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