Executive MBA

Useful information
Duration :
3 to 4 days/month over 18 months
Sessions :
Contact us
Language of instruction :
French, English
Tuition fees :
29 100€
Prerequisites :
Proven professional experience
Contact and admissions
Samantha Nguyen
+33 (0)6 35 07 96 83

Become a creactive leader !

Becoming a creative Leader by ICN is becoming the manager or the entrepreneur who will not only support her/his company, but will also carry her/his own ambitions towards a more global, agile and creative dimension, along with the nowadays crucial concerns of Corporate social and environmental Responsibility.

The new Executive MBA by ICN Artem offers an innovative and multi-disciplinary approach to management, including fundamental elements of ICN Business School's DNA: innovation, management and creativity. The proposed educational methods allow each student to reinvent him/herself and to reinvent his/her expertise in the company within its structural and cultural dimension.

Programme's 4 pillars

Discover the 4 fundamental pillars that make up our programme.


The students of the Emba programme have various backgrounds. The transdisciplinary ecosystem of the Artem campus, the seminars, workshops and networking evenings are of major importance in order to absorb and promote a complete interdisciplinary network for the leaders of organizations.


The programme is a real career booster, it gives the opportunity to meet professionals from all backgrounds and operate on a field of experimentation for personal development and career path.


From its unique cross-border position, the program trains for a globalized world with a rich faculty (geographical, practical and academic experience), immersion seminars abroad (Germany, China, Luxembourg and USA) and the diversity of participating students.


In addition to the pedagogical basis, each manager can choose between several functional modules :

  • International Executive HR Cluster
  • Innovative Marketing Cluster
  • Finance & Entrepreneurship Cluster

Two expertise paths

  • International Executive HR cluster International Executive HR
    Designed for HR professionals and leaders willing to increase their knowledge along with their managerial and strategical skills in human resources.
  • Innovation Marketing cluster by ICN Business School
    Designed for business developers, leaders, marketing managers (all sectors of activities). This cluster meets the new needs of managers in a constantly changing world. An international vision of the globalized world is part of this course, which ends with a one-week seminar in Shanghai, a well-known place for change and innovation.

Professionnal scenarios

  • Artem Hackathon (48h non-stop)
    Each participant will have to find an innovative and strategical solution to the issues submitted by the clients (CEOs). A unique experience, in accordance with the programme’s mission, which must allow to check the good understanding of the programme's strategical stakes, to put into practice the knowledge acquired and to verify the collective creaCtivity of the promotion.
  • Consultancy Artem new business ventures
    For 12 weeks at the end of the course, the students will bring their new visions as creaCtive leaders into real-life companies’ situations : It is a real consultant’s experience (Audit and 360° strategical proposals).

Advisory Board

The EMBA Programme Advisory Board is comprised of a mix of corporate partners and alumni who contribute professional expertise and outlook to ensure the quality of the programme and recommendations on the overall direction and strategy to ensure that the programme meets the changing skills needs of business in an increasingly complex world.


HR director

LUDWIG Jean-Michel

Director, Business development
Luxinnovation GIE

POTEAUX Emmanuel

Deputy CEO
SATT Conectus

What our students think…

This training has given me new ideas for the development of my business, solutions to my questions, a varied network and an open mind.
Charlène ZACHARY


Train your employees and learn more about the Executive MBA by ICN Artem.

Who is the Executive MBA programme for?

Our programme is aimed at employees who show major potential, including executives, managers, engineers, doctors, and business leaders. Employees who could be given greater responsibility in the near future. It is open to candidates from all sectors, including healthcare, manufacturing, the military and sports.

Why should you put your employees through our Executive MBA programme?

Putting your teams through our Executive MBA programme will bring new skills to your business and also capitalize on and retain key existing talent. It is a rewarding experience for the employee and a sign of your faith in their abilities.

As the programme is part-time, participants can study while continuing to work. This also means that what your employees learn during the course can be instantly applied to your business : change management, management of new teams, innovation management, and much more.

How can you support an employee on the ICN Business School’s Executive MBA programme?

As an employer, there are two ways you can support your employee :

  • By financing all or part of their course, employers in France can submit funding applications by contacting their local OPCA or Fongécif.
    Organisations that offer financial support for training often require you to submit a funding application several months before the course start date.
  • By allowing your employee to attend classes on three to four consecutive days every month and to attend seminars …We publish class timetables one year in advance to help you organise your employees’ time away from the workplace.

What is the admission procedure?

  1. Application form
  2. Admission interview
  3. Acceptance decision
  4. Enrolment

Pre-session bridge : Mise à niveau en comptabilité et management pour les personnes n'ayant Pre-session bridge: Refresher course in accounting and management for people who do not have a degree in these fields.

The complete application must be sent by email to emba@icn-artem.com

Application form

Find below the admission file to integrate our training.