Support ICN

About the school

ICN Business School is a non-profit association, a private higher education institution with general interest status, and is partnered with the University of Lorraine. Tuition fees are our main source of funding.

Our goal: train students to become responsible managers who are able to achieve performance and profitability while respecting society and the environment.

Equipping the school with additional resources means we can go further and faster to achieve the ambitious goals that set us apart. It benefits our students, future professionals, and boosts attractiveness, innovation and economic development in the region.

By supporting ICN Business School, you’ll be helping us provide a "creactive" and responsible education! Whether you’re a private individual (graduate, student parent, etc.) or a business, you can support ICN by donating (or making a legacy payment) to the ICN Endowment Fund.

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Sponsorship is financial or material support freely provided by a company for charitable purposes. It often helps a business to improve its image (philanthropy, supporting education) and mobilise its employees.

There are three types of sponsorship:

  • financial sponsorship consists of providing funds
  • sponsorship in kind consists of donating goods and/or services
  • skills sponsorship consists of making one or more employees available to carry out a mission.

Benefits and conditions

Sponsorship (or donation) entitles the donor to a tax reduction:
60% of the amount paid can be deducted from income or corporation tax, up to a maximum of 0.5% of the company's annual turnover.

After tax deduction, a donation of €25,000 therefore only costs €10,000.

Companies can’t demand significant compensation in return for sponsorship.

Your donation

Choose your payment method

- Bank card

- Regular monthly payment

- Cheque (made out to "the ICN Endowment Fund")

- Bank transfer

(If necessary) send it to

ICN endowment fund

86 Rue du Sergent Blandan

CS 70148


Tax relief

In accordance with current legislation (January 2021), you can choose to deduct:

IFI 75%

75% of your donation from tax on your real estate assets, up to a maximum deduction of €50,000

A donation of €30,000 will therefore only cost you €7,500, once it has been deducted from your taxes.

Important: please inform us if you would like to deduct your donation from the tax on your real estate assets. ICN Business School will then send you a tax invoice.

Income tax 66%

66% of your donation from your income tax, up to a maximum of 20% of your taxable income.

A donation of €1,000 will therefore only cost you €340, once it has been deducted from your taxes.

Coporation Tax 60%

60% of your donation from your company's corporation tax, up to a maximum of €20,000 or 5% of your turnover, if the latter is greater.

A donation of €25,000 will therefore only cost you €10,000, once it has been deducted from your taxes.

Your contact

Alexandra Houy
+33 (0)3 54 50 25 88

Apprenticeship tax

Are you a graduate?

Have you recruited one or more interns, apprentices or graduates?

Are you the parent of a student?

Apprenticeship tax is more than just a tax, it’s also a way for you to strengthen your ties with the school.

Choose to pay your apprenticeship tax to ICN BUSINESS SCHOOL in 2022.

Your contact

Monique Beguin
+33 (0)3 54 50 25 87