Patrick De Pelsmacker is full professor of marketing at the marketing department of the Faculty of Business and Economics, Anvers. He teaches research methods and marketing communications. His research focuses upon advertising effectiveness, new advertising media and formats, online consumer behaviour, cross-cultural marketing communications, and sustainable consumer behaviour.
DE PELSMACKER, P., M. GEUENS, J. VAN DEN BERGH, Marketing Communications, Pearson Longman, London, 2021
EAGLE, L., S. DAHL, P. DE PELSMACKER, C. R. TAYLOR, The Sage Handbook of Marketing Ethics, SAGE publications Inc., London, Great Britain, 2021
BONNARENS, L., I. MOONS, P. DE PELSMACKER, A. LIEVENS, K. KEIGNAERT, “Experiences of students with auxiliary services journeys in higher education” in University development and administration. Student support services., Padro, F, M. Kek, and H. Huijser Eds, Springer, 2021
DE PELSMACKER, P., I. MOONS, C. BARBAROSSA, “Sustainable consumer behavior. How to convince consumers to behave more eco-friendly?” in Critical contributions to economics and beyond – Liber amicorum Marc Jegers., Van Puyvelde, S. and Buts, C. Eds, Lexxion Publisher, 2021
DE PELSMACKER, P., K. DAEMS, I. MOONS, “Parental mediation of Children’s exposure to online media and advertising” in The Sage Handbook of Marketing Ethics., Eagle, Lynne, Stephan Dahl, Patrick De Pelsmacker, Charles R. Taylor Eds, SAGE publications Inc., pp. 107-122, 2021
DE PELSMACKER, P., L. EAGLE, S. DAHL, “Introduction to marketing ethics” in The Sage Handbook of Marketing Ethics., Eagle, Lynne, Stephan Dahl, Patrick De Pelsmacker, Charles R. Taylor Eds, SAGE publications Inc., pp. 3-19, 2021
DE PELSMACKER, P., L. EAGLE, S. DAHL, C. R. TAYLOR, “Concluding comments regarding the challenges of marketing ethics” in The Sage Handbook of Marketing Ethics., Eagle, Lynne, Stephan Dahl, Patrick De Pelsmacker, Charles R. Taylor Eds, SAGE publications Inc., pp. 518-529, 2021
DE PELSMACKER, P., N. DENS, P. GOOS, L. ALEKSANDROVS, “How brand interest mediates the relationship between cross-media investments and word-of-mouth and purchase intention: a mixture-amount moderated mediation model” in The Routledge Companion to Marketing Research., Wright, L. T., Moutinho, L., Stone, M., & Bagozzi, R. P. Eds, Routledge, pp. 289-305, 2021
EAGLE, L., S. DAHL, P. DE PELSMACKER, C. R. TAYLOR, “Marketing ethics and regulation of marketing activity: the role of government and industry” in The Sage Handbook of Marketing Ethics., Eagle, Lynne, Stephan Dahl, Patrick De Pelsmacker, Charles R. Taylor Eds, SAGE publications Inc., pp. 498-517, 2021
BUZETA, C., N. DENS, P. DE PELSMACKER, “Matching social media posts with motivations for social media use: A double-dose effect?” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Advertising,, 2021, Bordeaux (online), France
BUZETA, C., P. DE PELSMACKER, N. DENS, “Sales promotion posts across different social media: A speech act analysis” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Advertising, 2021, Bordeaux (online), France
LOPES, A. I., E. MALTHOUSE, N. DENS, P. DE PELSMACKER, “Is Webcare good for business? A big data investigation of the effect of managerial responses to online reviews on hotel bookings” in Proceedings of the online EMAC 2021 Conference, 2021
LOPES, A. I., E. MALTHOUSE, N. DENS, P. DE PELSMACKER, “Is Webcare is good for business? A machine learning approach to the effect of managerial response strategies to online reviews on hotel bookings” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Advertising, 2021, Bordeaux (online), France
AVRAMOVA, Y., N. DENS, P. DE PELSMACKER, “Brand Placement across Media: The Interaction of Placement Modality and Frequency in Film versus Text”, Journal of Business Research, May 2021, vol. 128, pp. 20-30
DE KEYZER, F., N. DENS, P. DE PELSMACKER, “How and When Personalized Advertising Leads to Brand Attitude, Click and WOM Intention”, Journal of Advertising, March 2021, pp. 1-18
BARBAROSSA, C., P. DE PELSMACKER, I. MOONS, “Whether, how, and when country stereotypes bias consumer punitive intent following corporate misconduct: a similarity-contingency approach” in Proceedings of the 17th Società Italiana Marketing Conference, 2020, Università Cattaneo di Castellanza, Varese, Italy
BONNARENS, L., I. MOONS, P. DE PELSMACKER, A. LIEVENS, K. KEIGNAERT, “Experiences with auxiliary services during a student’s customer journey” in Proceedings of the EMAC 2020 regional conference, 2020, Zagreb, Croatia
VEELAERT, L., E. DU BOIS, I. MOONS, P. DE PELSMACKER, S. HUBO, K. RAGAERT, “Experiences with auxiliary services during a student’s customer journey” in Proceedings of the EMAC 2020 annual conference, 2020, Budapest, Hungary
VEELAERT, L., E. DU BOIS, I. MOONS, P. DE PELSMACKER, S. HUBO, K. RAGAERT, “Front-end marketing for recycled plastics: the role of experiential material evaluation” in Proceedings of the EMAC 2020 annual regional conference, 2020, Zagreb, Croatia
BUZETA, C., N. DENS, P. DE PELSMACKER, “Motivations to use different social media types and their impact on consumer’s online brand-related activities (COBRAs)”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, November 2020, vol. 52, pp. 79-98
DE PELSMACKER, P., “What is wrong with advertising research and how can we fix it?”, International Journal of Advertising, October 2020, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 1-14
DE PELSMACKER, P., N. DENS, S. DE MEULENAER, “The effects of model ethnicity in charity appeals for local and global charities”, Journal of Non-Profit and Public Sector Marketing, August 2020, pp. 1-20
LOPES, A. I., N. DENS, P. DE PELSMACKER, F. DE KEYZER, “Which cues influence the perceived usefulness and credibility of an online review? A conjoint analysis”, Online Information Review, November 2020, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 1-20
MOONS, I., P. DE PELSMACKER, C. BARBAROSSA, “Do personality and self-congruity matter for the willingness to pay more for ecotourism? An empirical study in Flanders, Belgium”, Journal of Cleaner Production, November 2020, vol. 272
VEELAERT, L., E. DU BOIS, I. MOONS, P. DE PELSMACKER, S. HUBO, K. RAGAERT, “The identity of recycled plastics: a vocabulary of perception”, Sustainability , March 2020, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 1953
DE PELSMACKER, P., M. EISEND, N. DENS, “Gender roles in advertising” in Advertising theory., Rodgers, S.L., Thorson, E.L. Eds, Routledge, pp. 187-197, 2019
BUZETA, C., P. DE PELSMACKER, N. DENS, “Social media use motivations, brand engagement and the moderating role of connectedness” in Proceedings of the 18th Icoria conference, 2019, Krems, Austria
DE KEYZER, F., N. DENS, P. DE PELSMACKER, “Which personalization elements cause consumers to perceive ads on Facebook as more personalized? A conjoint analysis” in Proceedings of the 18th Icoria conference, 2019, Krems, Austria
LOPES, A. I., N. DENS, P. DE PELSMACKER, “Valence, attribute importance and attribute repetition in negative sets of online reviews: does positive ever win?” in Proceedings of the 18th Icoria conference, 2019, Krems, Austria
LOPES, A. I., N. DENS, P. DE PELSMACKER, “Which cues influence the perceived usefulness and credibility of an online review? A conjoint analysis” in Proceedings of the 18th Icoria conference, 2019, Krems, Austria
MOONS, I., P. DE PELSMACKER, “Self-ecotourism personality differences and congruity, and the willingness to pay more for ecotourism” in Proceedings of the 18th Icoria conference, 2019, Krems, Austria
MOONS, I., P. DE PELSMACKER, C. BARBAROSSA, “Personality fit, self-identity congruity, and the willingness to pay more for ecotourism” in Proceedings 18th International Marketing Trends Conference, 2019, Venice, Italy
BEUCKELS, E., S. KAZAKOVA, V. CAUBERGHE, L. HUDDERS, P. DE PELSMACKER, “Freedom makes you lose control: executive control deficits for heavy versus light media multitaskers and the implications for advertising effectiveness”, European Journal of Marketing, June 2019, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 848-870
DAEMS, K., F. DE KEYZER, P. DE PELSMACKER, I. MOONS, “Personalized and cued advertising aimed at children”, Young Consumers, January 2019, vol. 20, no. 2
DAEMS, K., P. DE PELSMACKER, I. MOONS, “The effect of integration and interactivity on young teenagers’ memory, brand attitude and personal data sharing”, Computers in Human Behavior, October 2019, vol. 99, pp. 245-259
DE KEYZER, F., N. DENS, P. DE PELSMACKER, “The impact of relational characteristics on responses to word of mouth on social network sites”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, March 2019, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 21-243
DE PELSMACKER, P., N. DENS, S. VERBERCKMOES, “How ad congruity and interactivity affect fantasy game players’ attitude toward in-game advertising”, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, January 2019, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 55-74
GOOS, P., N. DENS, P. DE PELSMACKER, L. ALEKSANDROVS, “Using mixture-amount modeling to optimize the advertising media mix and quantify cross-media synergy for different target groups”, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, September-October 2019, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 1228-1252
AVRAMOVA, Y., P. DE PELSMACKER, N. DENS, “Brand placement in fiction: the role of stylistic devices in placement effects on attitude towards familiar and unfamiliar brands” in Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, 2018, New York, United States of America
BUZETA, C., N. DENS, P. DE PELSMACKER, “Motivations to use different social media types and their impact on consumer brand engagement” in Proceedings of the 17th Icoria conference, 2018, Valencia, Spain
DAEMS, K., P. DE PELSMACKER, I. MOONS, “The effect of brand integration and brand interactivity on young teenagers’ brand memory, brand attitude and willingness to share personal data” in Proceedings of the 17th Icoria conference, 2018, Valencia, Spain
DE KEYZER, F., N. DENS, P. DE PELSMACKER, “Personalized advertising on Facebook: the role of perceived relevance, intrusiveness, information control and privacy protection” in Proceedings of the 17th Icoria conference, 2018, Valencia, Spain
BARBAROSSA, C., P. DE PELSMACKER, I. MOONS, “Effects of country-of-origin stereotypes on consumer responses to product-harm crises”, International Marketing Review, May 2018, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 362-389
DE PELSMACKER, P., M. M. LEWI, V. CAUBERGHE, “Women’s information preferences, information needs and online interactive information portal engagement in a breast cancer early diagnosis context”, Journal Communication in Healthcare, March 2018, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 1-14
DE PELSMACKER, P., N. DENS, A. KOLOMIIETS, “The impact of text valence, star rating and rated usefulness in online reviews”, International Journal of Advertising, January 2018, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 340-359
DE PELSMACKER, P., S. VAN TILBURG, C. HOLTHOF, “Digital marketing strategies, online reviews and hotel performance”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, June 2018, vol. 72, pp. 47-55
DENS, N., P. DE PELSMACKER, P. GOOS, L. ALEKSANDROVS, D. MARTENS, “How consumers’ media usage creates synergy in advertising campaigns”, International Journal of Market Research, January 2018, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 268-287
DENS, N., P. DE PELSMACKER, Y. VERHELLEN, “Better together? Harnessing the power of brand placement through program sponsorship messages”, Journal of Business Research, February 2018, vol. 83, pp. 151-159
MOONS, I., C. BARBAROSSA, P. DE PELSMACKER, “The determinants of the adoption intention of eco-friendly functional food in different market segments”, Ecological Economics, September 2018, vol. 151, pp. 151-161