The Banque et Gestion de Patrimoine programme provides a global and international view of banks. It provides training in the many facets of operational, credit and liquidity risk management in a complex environment where the customer and profitability are at the heart of all concerns.
The sector has seen the emergence of new players (fintechs, blockchain), sometimes competing with traditional banks. To this end, an awareness of the impact of technology, digital and innovation on the organisation of banks is also proposed.
Another aspect of our specialisation is wealth management, which is more than just advice: it involves the structuring and planning of clients' assets to help them protect and grow them in a tax-efficient way and in accordance with their wishes.
In addition to the DESSMI, you'll be preparing a double Master of Science degree
by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles.
This course includes at least 50% of classes in English.
Find out more about the CGE Master of Science program
Admission Bac+3 pour un parcours en 2 ans (M1 et M2)
Semestre 1 :
Semestre 2 :
Admission Bac+4 / Bac+5 pour un parcours en 1 an (M2 entrée directe)
Semestre 1 :
Semestre 2 :
Available as a sandwich course in Nancy, this program will enable you to acquire professional expertise in audit. It's also an excellent way to develop the hard and soft skills employers are looking for, and a real asset to your employability!
Apprenticeships also give you full exemption from tuition fees and a monthly income for the duration of the contract, based on a scale based on the gross monthly minimum wage (SMIC) or the industry minimum wage (if available and more favorable).
Finally, at ICN, nearly 150 partner companies are ready to meet you during our career forums, which will open the doors to work-study opportunities with major companies.
The fields covered by this training offer very good job prospects for the coming years.
Specific roles:
100% of our graduates find a job within 6 months thanks to our partner companies!
CACEIS // CIC // BNP Paribas // Banque Populaire Alsace Champagne Lorraine // Caisse d'Epargne // Crédit Mutuel // Crédit Suisse // EY // ING // KPMG // LCL // Deloitte // Natixis // Numbr // Edmond de Rothschild // PwC // Yzico
A training programme combining professionalism and apprenticeship, developing banking skills that will enable us to be immediately operational in a bank.
Interested in the MSc Banque et gestion de patrimoine?
Don't hesitate to apply!
Course registered with the CGE under the name: Management by innovation
Course registered with the RNCP under number RNCP 37475 until 31/08/2026