Carine Sonntag (PhD) is a professor of economics and project management at ICN BS. Qualified in SCRUM methodology, she applies her skills to train students in the development of their student associations. Her dual expertise as a researcher and manager led Carine to undertake the direction of the Executive MBA program in 2012 after developing the International negotiation track in the master ICN. Fluent in english and particularly at ease in an international environment, Carine has created and managed ambitious international projects for the seminars of the Executive MBA program. These projects have been developed in Atlanta (USA), in China (Shanghai region), in Bucarest in Romania and in Stuttgart in Germany. She is particularly interested in pedagogical developments and finding ways to mix professionals and researchers’ incentives. In parrallel she developps a particular interest in information sciences and studies more precisely how competitive intelligence advanced knowledge brings comparative advantages to companies. Particularly interested in the synergies between the corporate and academic worlds, she invests herself in various expertise such as competitive intelligence, project management, transdisciplinary pedagogy or personal development. Current economic and societal changes lead her to investigate fields such as new economic models, the impact of technology on work organization or skills, the place of the human being in these new relationships and in the society.
GROEGER, L., C. SONNTAG, “Time for the Planet: Entrepreneurship at the service of climate emergency” in Strategy Theory and Practice., Ed., SAGE publications Inc., vol. 4, 2022
SONNTAG, C., “Animation de l’ouverture de la Table ronde 4Ăšme confĂ©rence ARTEM OCC Nancy, DĂ©veloppement durable et crĂ©ativitĂ©, comment passer Ă l’action ?”, 2022, Nancy, France
SONNTAG, C., G. TORRES RAMOS, “Time for Planet, new influencers and business angels for the planet?” in ARTEMOCC â 4th edition, Artem organizational creativity & sustainability International conference, 2022, Nancy, France
SONNTAG, C. – “Entrepreneuriat et innovation responsable, prĂ©sentation d’une collection d’Ă©tudes de cas Ă la CGE” – 2022, Paris, France
SONNTAG, C. – “Les 10 faits d’actualitĂ© Ă©conomiques de 2021, live Major prĂ©pa,” – 2021, digital, France
CLERC-GIRARD, M.-F., C. SONNTAG, “Developing Social Entrepreneurship in a Free Competitive Market” in Pathways to Connect Creativity and Sustainable Development., Kamel Mnisri & Klaus-Peter Schulz Ed., PUN – ĂDITIONS UNIVERSITAIRES DE LORRAINE , pp. 513-533, 2020
BENETTI, C., C.SONNTAG – “La croissance dans l’industrie des fonds : il faut la gĂ©rer !” – 2020, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP), Paris, France
SONNTAG, C., “Social and sustainable entrepreneurship through frugal innovation â the ValopneuÂź case of tyre recycling” 117th International Entrepreneurship Forum (IEF) Conference. 2018, Nancy, France
SONNTAG, C., “Sulitest: innovation et entrepreneuriat durable” ConfĂ©rence des grandes Ă©coles. 2018, Lille, France
SONNTAG, C., K.KOVESI, G.MAJOU DE LA DĂBUTRIE, H.BLUTEAU, S.FLAMANT, “Transdisciplinary Approach to Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education” Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, SEFI 2018. 2018, Copenhaguen Coauthorspresented
SONNTAG, C., M.-F.CLERC-GIRARD, K.-P.SCHULZ, “Social and sustainable entrepreneurship through frugal innovation â the ValopneuÂź case of tyre recycling” IEF Conference. 2018, Nancy
BENETTI, C., C.SONNTAG – “Growth in fund industry, you should manage!” – 2018, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP), Paris, France
SONNTAG, C., M.-F.CLERC-GIRARD – “Valopneu, lâĂ©conomie circulaire en action” – 2018, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP), Paris, France
SONNTAG, C., M.-F.CLERC-GIRARD, “Technological innovation at the service of social innovation in Valopneu : a triple top line approach” 2nd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International conference (ARTEM OCC). 2017, Nancy, France
CLERC-GIRARD, M.-F., C. SONNTAG, “Valopneu, crĂ©ateur de valeur en Ă©conomie circulaire” SĂ©minaire de l’axe CDIP, ICN (Innovation pĂ©dagogique). 2017, Nancy
BENETTI, C., C.SONNTAG, “Growth, you should manage!” SĂ©minaire ICN Business School – Axe CDIP. 2016, Nancy, France
STALLA-BOURDILLON, C., C.SONNTAG – “PrĂ©sentation Atelier Intelligence Ă©conomique” – 2015, You Tube, Nancy, France
HAURET, L., E.LANGLAIS, C.SONNTAG, “On the deterrent effect of individual versus collective liability in criminal organizations”, Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, Winter 2011, vol. 2, no. 2(4), pp. 121-125